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Dribble Dare: Friendly Fraternity Frolic
Residents and alumni of fraternities and barbarians fired up the MSU-CETD gymnasium in their showdown, bridging the old and new blood and forging friendships in the esteemed institution. 
Apr 12, 20242 min read
Dribble Dare: Friendly Fraternity Frolic

On April 12, 2024, the inter-frat basketball games stimulated the sports event for the Law Week 2024 of MSU Law Gensan Extension held at MSU CETD, JP Laurel Avenue, General Santos City. 

Out from the moot court and in to the basketball court, with the theme of "Audere Est Facere: To dare is to do," residents and alumni of fraternities and barbarians fired up the MSU-CETD gymnasium in their showdown, bridging the old and new blood and forging friendships in the esteemed institution. 

The members of the honorable houses of Beta Sigma Lambda (BSL) , Mu Kappa Phi (MKP), Sultan Exclusive Law Fraternity and Sorority, and Team Barbarian exhibited their support for their respective teams with their popping props, captivating cheers, and energizing encouragement from the bench. 

Red versus green: the formidable lineups of Mu Kappa Phi head-on with Beta Sigma Lambda man the court to fight the blaze of their teams in the first set of fraternity matches.

From the house of The Braves, Hydoe Elan scored the first point of the night with a lay-up. Onset, the MKP took hold of the lead, running each quarter in their favor, with the team scoring 12-23, 31-40, and 39-57. 

MKP won the first game, fixing the score with 41–69 points. MKP alumnus Emerlito Nimes bagged the best player title of the game with an excellent performance of seventeen (17) points, with one (1) assist, two (2) rebounds, and four (4) steals.

Purple versus purple: the dominant rosters of Barbarians contra Sultans thrilled the court as the second set head-to-head in the cordial competition. The crowd was charmed by the smooth three-point scores pouring from both teams. 

With scores of 12–23, 28–43, and 44–55, the Barbarians swept the boards of the respective quarters and capped their win by ending the game with a 38-70 score against the Sultans. Alvin Timgas, a resident Barbarian, was hailed as the best player of the match with an outstanding score of ten (10) points, with one (1) assist, seven (7) rebounds, and three (3) steals.

Evident in this legal slum dunk is the fervent fraternity, uniting the past and the present of the institution, with the core to dare dream, dare persevere, and dare succeed. Indeed, the night galvanized the essential dare to act, foregrounding the doctrine of camaraderie and competence that every jurist must subsist. 

The next game to be played by Sultan and BSL will be on April 13 at 4:00 in the afternoon at the MSU CETD Court.

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