Even in this technologically advanced age, we must look back at our national heroes and awaken the Rizal in all of us. We must stand up for what is right and protect the principles that our revered heroes fought so hard to achieve in our fight for independence.
We are no Sisyphus’ and his eternal push. We refuse to be reduced to mere statistics or another fringe history lesson of the world’s inaction, denial, and politicking. Our future is not up for bargain nor for the major powers maneuvering.

Our cultural heritage is not worth all the money in this world. It will displace not just the flora and fauna in the area, but also the bones, and bloods drenched to protect the environment, and the history of the IPs who stood up against colonialism and abuse of power by the rich corporations.

Coming from a place that is not a stranger to conflict, if there is a lesson from the centuries-long Mindanao problem, it is that war and military action alone cannot make nor keep peace.

Perhaps, the self-styled appointed son of God should follow God's example of courage and humility. Even Jesus himself submitted to civil authorities. Render to Caesar what is due to Caesar. Mr. Quiboloy, with all his power and influence, has every means and resource to defend himself in court.

What are they in power for? Perhaps it is high time that we should learn the hard lesson that politics is more than cult-like worship of personalities.

The country has reached a milestone as a Senate committee approved a consolidated measure that brings divorce closer into law.

The existence of confidential funds undermines transparency and accountability in the Philippine government for its lack of detailed reporting and oversight mechanisms which allows potential abuse and corruption.

Yet freedom of choice is wanting where elections are determined by the efficiency of political machinery.

A ghost that knows no apology, no repentance, nor attempt at restitution. Amidst the present attempt to distort and whitewash history, the human memory becomes a new battleground.