Campus News
MSU COL A.Y. 2023-2024 kicks off with GA; new CLSA officers take oath
To kick-off the opening of the Academic Year 2023-2024, law students of MSU – GenSan Extension attended the first General Assembly of the year to discuss matters relevant to the college.
Aug 9, 20234 min read
MSU COL A.Y. 2023-2024 kicks off with GA; new CLSA officers take oath

To kick-off the opening of the Academic Year 2023-2024, law students of Mindanao State University – GenSan Extension attended the first General Assembly of the year to discuss matters relevant to the college yesterday, August 7, 2023, at the AVR of the MSU GenSan Graduate School.

Around 200 second to fourth-year law students of the college attended the said assembly.

Atty. Norsary Sumandar Mamad, Special Assistant for Legal Matters to the Office of the President, presided the oath-taking ceremony of the newly-elected College of Law Students’ Association (CLSA) officers for this academic year.

Newly-elected CLSA President Aira Shahana Ramirez presented the CLSA’s accomplishment report and plans for the upcoming two semesters of the current academic year.

The current CLSA has already conducted the MSU Convention, which gathered the officers and representatives from the different organizations in the college to plan activities for COL strategically. This includes the establishment of the MSU Law GenSan Bar Operations Commission (BOC), which is currently working in preparation for the September 2023 BAR Examinations.

Other activities and events were also presented by the CLSA, such as the Freshmen 101 and Freshmen Night on August 19 at Avior Hotel, Acquaintance Party on August 26 at Greenleaf Hotel, Intramurals, and the Annual “Takbo Para Kay Isko at Iska”—a fun run organized for fundraising intended for the upcoming BAR examinations, on September 2.

Salient Provisions of the MSU Law Student Handbook

Atty. Norhabib Bin Suod S. Barodi, Dean of the MSU College of Law, discussed salient provisions of the MSU Law Student Handbook in accordance with BOR Resolution No. 17, s. 2023.

Among discussed provisions on ‘Academic Freedom of the College of Law’ (Article 3), ‘Admissions and Screening Committee’ (Article 5), ‘General Admission Requirements’ (Article 6), ‘Basis of Admission to the College’ (Articles 11-12), ‘Curricular Offering’ (Article 16), ‘Method of Instruction’ (Article 17-18), ‘Academic Policies and Guidelines on Assessment, Retention, Promotion, and Graduation of Students’ (Chapter IV), ‘Retention and Promotion Policies and Guidelines’ (Title II), ‘Common Rules Applicable to All Students’ (Title III), ‘Graduation Policies and Guidelines’ (Title IV), ‘Order of the Rawaten Elite’ (Chapter V), and ‘Student Conduct and Discipline’ (Chapter VI).

Under the MSU Law Student Handbook, the admission of COL applicants shall be on the basis of their performance or ranking in both the MLAT and panel interview, with the exception of those who are declared exempt from the said requirements.

“Save those who are exempt from the MLAT and panel interview, the admission of applicants shall be based on their passing performance in both the MLAT and panel interview or, when it is inapplicable, on the basis of their ranking in the MLAT and panel interview,” Article 11 of the MSU Law Student Handbook states.

Additionally, given that MSU law extension campuses were specifically designed for working students, a valid certificate of employment is required for enrollment.

As for the method of instruction in the College of Law, Article 17 states that “[t]he modified Socratic method or question and answer system accompanied by discussion is the principal method of instruction used in the classroom... However, due to the increase in the number of decided cases by the Supreme Court and the number of new laws enacted by Congress, faculty members may adopt other modern teaching techniques to cover the subject matter. In such instances, the case method shall be utilized based on jurisprudence handed down by the Supreme Court. Discussions, lectures, role-playing, moots, and other methods may also be used as additional methods of instruction to sharpen the lawyering skills of the students.”

Dean Barod also emphasized the implementation of the ‘Three Flunk Rule’ for first-year and second-third-year students under the said handbook. Under the said provision, “[a]ny student (first year) who drops or fails in the same subject thrice shall be denied readmission unless the dropping or failure is for justifiable reasons as determined by the Office of the Dean.” This rule, however, shall not apply to graduating students.

Moreover, Article 43 of the same handbook discusses the ‘Maximum Residence Rule’ which states that “The tenure of the students in the College of Law is limited to a maximum of six years for the conferment of the Juris Doctor degree in the four-year program in the main campus or seven years in the five-year program in the extension units; Provided, that special cases shall be at the discretion of the President of the University upon recommendation of the Dean.”

Under the new student handbook, “ examinations of all graduating students in a semester shall be administered in the form of a mock bar exam. As the Chairman of each Mock Bar Exam, the Dean shall issue the policies and guidelines necessary to administer the said exam.”

Furthermore, the MSU Law Student Handbook also mandates the creation of “The Order of the Rawaten Elite.” Article 46 provides that “There shall be established an honor society of MSU College of Law to be known as “The Order of the Rawaten Elite” composed of students from the second (sophomore) to fourth (senior) year levels having a cumulative general weighted average of not less than 2.20 without a grade of 5.0 or DRP or underload in any semester.”

“The Order of the Rawaten Elite” is an honor society that will “be allowed to function and evolve in accordance with the vision and mission of the College of Law.”

On procurement and maintenance of COL facilities

Among the issues asked, answered, and discussed during the GA was the procurement and maintenance of facilities in the college.

In his opening remarks and during the open forum, Atty. Habari Balt, Assistant Dean of the college, assured the students that.

“Before I step down as Assistant Dean, I will assure you that I will make sure of the procurement of new tables and chairs [for the college],” AD Balt expressed in his speech.

During the GA’s open forum portion, Dean Barodi and AD Balt expressed intentions of further discussing this matter with the Office of the MSU System President.

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