To All the Losers Still in Law School
You are not the only one who contemplated taking a break because maybe finishing your masters, or taking educ units will suffice instead of trying to stomach another night of saying, “I am sorry, Sir. I haven’t read the case.”
Feb 9, 20242 min read
To All the Losers Still in Law School

Graphic Designer: Michelle Berdonar

Dear fellow loser, 

If you’re reading this, I guess, like me, you acknowledge and have conceded that, despite the dream that led you here, law school makes you feel more of a loser than its champ.

Oh, I’m done romanticizing something that introduces volumes of bland and boring readings I know will eventually become interesting, if only I have the heart to start reading them.

Guess I have slacked for too long today that maybe I can squeeze in another excuse not to read my assigned cases.

I’ll write my heart out instead.

This is not for the strong ones who remain unfazed even after reading this night’s coverage.

This is not for the motivated ones who move forward even after a bad recit.

If you are looking for a motivational post, skip this article. It’s not for you.

To you who are just tired you could curse, keep reading.

You see, there’s more of us than we’d care to admit.

You are not the only one who does not want to attend his classes anymore.

You are not the only one who thinks lawyering will not make you rich anyway, so why are you still here?

You are not the only one who googled jobs in Canada.

You are not the only one who contemplated taking a break because maybe finishing your masters, or taking educ units will suffice instead of trying to stomach another night of saying, “I am sorry, Sir. I haven’t read the case.”

You are not the only one who thinks life sucks too much already. Why should we make it more complicated?

You are not the only one who blame anyone and anything but yourself why this happened. Things like a massive heartbreak with your long-time partner. Pressure at the workplace, or the lack of a job. The death of a loved one. Or the periodical existential crisis one is bound to experience while in law school.

So we’re getting downhill now. If you are still looking for that nudge to go on, again, this is the wrong article. Like I said, there is no motivational stuff here.

Is this our eventual doom?

Oh, if only the answer is a simple yes or no.

So why stay?

Since you have actually reached this part, something tells me you are grasping for answers, too.

But I am not here to elaborate answers.

No, this is just to say, you are not alone, and that I am just cheering you on because despite the many reasons you can go, you chose to stay. (Okay, I lied a bit. This is the part we digress from such a depressed, pathetic state.)

So stay, even if it makes you puke your head out.

Lie on the couch for the day. Maybe even take your leave from work. Truth is, your job and even law school can wait. But you? It’s not a video game; there are  no spare lives for you.

Eat your heart out alone, or with friends. Take the alcoholic boost you need. Even if it does not fix anything, and even if you wake up still hungover, you’ll thank yourself for it.

This will raise people’s eyebrows but who cares? Even if it means you have to take a leave of absence. Maybe you already have. So what? When you are done taking a rest, go back.

The little things you do to treat yourself, believe me: these are not little things. Do yourself these favors, and maybe you can sigh these words of relief: “I am a loser, who eventually wins, after all.”


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